In this episode we discuss a couple of great resources for New Administrators: #NewAdminChat and #SAVMP.
We were joined by Emily Clare and Jeff Pricket to hear all about their new endeavor to support new administrators: #NewAdminChat which will be the first Tuesday of each month, kicking off for the first time on Tuesday, September 6th at 8:00pm CST. We encourage you all to join in to support new administrators and to also help promote this for any new administrators that you may know.
Another great resource for new and experienced administrators is the School Administrator Virtual Mentor Program, known as #SAVMP This program was started originally by George Couros, taken over by Amber Teamann for a year and organized by our very own Theresa for years 3 and 4! Mentors and Mentees are matched up based on the information that is entered into the application, which you can find HERE. Mentors and Mentees can plan to connect on Voxer and Twitter, as well as blog throughout the year on topics given out for the #SAVMP group. This year, Theresa is adding a gamification component for members to earn badges! #SAVMP is a great program that both veterans and new administrators have enjoyed learning from.
Whether you are a new administrator or a veteran, we encourage you to not only get involved with both of these supports to grow as a mentor, learn along side colleagues, and challenge you to share these resources with others to get connected as well.
We also have a giveaway...the book I'm In The Principal's Seat, Now What? If you are a new administrator or know someone who is and would love this gift, please tweet us, using #principalpln to tell us why you want this book or who you know would.

Purchase "Breaking Out of Isolation" today!

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