Sunday, August 24, 2014

#PrincipalPLN Season 2 Episode 3 - The First Staff Meeting (Part 2)

Great resources for planning your first staff meeting of the year:

First Staff Meeting Ideas:
Notes to prepare for my first staff meeting (includes what I learned from What Great Principals Do Differently by Todd Whitaker)

Youtube Clips are always good to include: (go to presentation videos) (blog post with a few and links to other posts with videos)
Kid Snippets Too Sick for School (search youtube for other funny “Kid Snippets”)
Penguins (for teamwork)
When I Become a Teacher (use with new teachers)
The Principal Meltdown

The audio is available for download here:

Friday, August 22, 2014

#PrincipalPLN Season 2 Episode 2 - First Staff Meeting of the Year (Part 1)

The most important meeting of the year is your first staff meeting. Don’t make it be a sit and git...staff meetings should inspire teachers for the work they have to do, give them ideas to implement in their classroom and be a chance for ongoing professional learning.

Ice breaker suggestions:

You can also use the spider web ice breaker to show strengths and how the school is better as a whole than individually.  Have each staff member share a strength or a special talent instead of what is suggested in the site.

Audio is available for download here:

Saturday, August 16, 2014

PrincipalPLN #1: Don't Miss the Bus!

Welcome back (to our previous PrincipalCast followers) as we kick of episode 1 of the new PrincipalPLN podcast!  As we start season 2 we will be moving forward with shorter episodes (around 20 minutes), using the hashtag #principalpln for the conversation on Twitter and having ongoing conversations on Voxer. You can sign up HERE to join the PrincipalPLN group!

In episode 1, we catch up on our summer and talk about all those things principals need to make sure are ready before the start of the school year.  Are you ready?

Some other things we talked about:
Jessica's presentation on digital walkthroughs
Jessica's presentation with Amber Teamann on Principal 2.0
Corwin's Connected Educators Series 

You can check out the podcast on youtube:

Saturday, August 2, 2014

What is the PrincipalPLN?

Follow us @principalPLN
The PrincipalPLN is a weekly podcast hosted by Theresa Stager, Jessica Johnson and Spike Cook. We are committed to creating podcasts that are informative, innovative and fun!

The concept of the podcast was developed by Theresa Stager, who at the time, was a first-year principal seeking ways to learn from others. Theresa reached out to Jessica Johnson, and they invited Spike Cook to join. The crew began podcasting in September of 2013. During the first year they had 35 episodes that are available on Itunes.

Each week we interview teachers, principals, superintendents, authors and presenters to learn  how to become more effective educators! We are dedicated to being the lead learners in all that we do.

As we prepare for our second year, we decided to challenge ourselves and learn more about the art of podcasting, so that is why we are branching out on our own. We will continue to provide high quality, engaging podcasts that will benefit all types of educators.

Stay tuned for more details as we organize our schedule! Follow us on Twitter